The CTA is pleased to report a significant development from the Food Standards Agency concerning the handling of historic dossiers, a matter that was previously pending on the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) agenda as of February 2024.

This progress comes as the FSA finally addresses these long-standing issues, paving the way for the introduction of the revised novel foods process for CBD and other food products anticipated to start coming into force by June 2024. The clearing of these dossiers marks a crucial step in streamlining the regulatory processes that influence our industry.

A notable example includes the FSA's recent assessment of Cannaray, detailed in their report dated 29th May 29, we noted the following:

Looking ahead, the CTA understands that the forthcoming novel foods process, scheduled for implementation at the start of June, will initially cover bulk ingredients that meet specific criteria, such as conforming to 50 micrograms of cannabinols in a serving/portion and an advisory Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 10mg of CBD. It is important to note that these parameters are subject to adjustments as new data becomes available, ensuring that regulation evolves in tandem with scientific understanding and industry feedback.

The CTA remains committed to keeping our members informed and engaged as these regulatory changes unfold, ensuring that the UK cannabis industry continues to develop in a safe, responsible, and compliant manner.

The Hemp Trades Association UK Ltd t/a Cannabis Trades Association is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 10472540 41 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorkshire, HU2 8AG, United Kingdom.
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