A Primary Authority Partnership is a legally recognised partnership formed between any organisation and a local authority. The CTA chose Oxfordshire County Council as their  “Primary Authority”.

The partnership will provide ongoing tailored and impartial advice on matters which are of concern and helping  businesses to plan by providing assured advice via a single point of contact on the continuing changes to the regulatory landscape.

Some of the benefits of the partnership include:

  • interpretation of legislation 
  • help to reduce unnecessary checks and inspections for businesses
  • helps to reduce business risk
  • helps with the resolution of compliance issues
  • recognised by other local authorities
  • can prevent enforcement action being taken if advice has been followed. Where problems occur, other local authorities must liaise with the Primary Authority before any legal action can be taken. If the business has followed the advice of its Primary Authority it is unlikely that legal action will be taken. 

We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Oxfordshire Trading Stands team.

Members - find out more here

Primary Authority Partnerships listing

The Hemp Trades Association UK Ltd t/a Cannabis Trades Association is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company number 10472540 41 Wincolmlee, Hull, Yorkshire, HU2 8AG, United Kingdom.
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