Yes, you read that right. According to a recent study published in Nature titled "Cannabidiol reshapes the gut microbiome to promote endurance exercise in mice" (https://www.nature.com/articles/s12276-025-01404-5), cannabidiol (CBD) has been found to reshape gut bacteria in mice, leading to increased endurance and muscle performance.
Translation? Mighty Mice could be the future of athletic greatness.

The Science Behind the Super-Mice
Researchers discovered that CBD altered the gut microbiome in a way that allowed these tiny athletes to keep running for longer. It’s a fascinating find, suggesting that endurance isn’t just about training harder but could also be about tweaking what’s happening inside your gut.
Now, before you start wondering if elite athletes will soon be chugging CBD smoothies before marathons, let’s take a moment to appreciate the image of a group of super-fit rodents sprinting toward the finish line, perhaps with microscopic protein shakes in their tiny paws.

CBD and Human Athletes – The WADA Question
While CBD has been off WADA’s banned substance list since 2018, this study raises an interesting question: Could it eventually be considered a performance-enhancing substance? After all, endurance athletes go to great lengths for an edge - altitude training, oxygen tents, and questionable beetroot juice experiments. If CBD proves to be the key to gut-powered stamina, might it face new scrutiny?
For now, CBD remains legal for athletes, but if we start seeing Olympians setting records with ‘squeak-worthy’ performances, WADA may need to take another look. Imagine the headlines: ‘Mice Crack the Code to Human Performance’ or ‘Marathon Champions Swear by Mighty Mouse Method.’
A Running Joke or a Real Breakthrough?
While this research is still in the ‘mice phase,’ it does highlight the growing interest in how the gut microbiome influences performance. Whether this translates into human sports science remains to be seen. Until then, let’s just enjoy the thought of an underground network of ultra-fit rodents, prepping for their next marathon.
One thing’s for sure, if CBD really is an endurance booster, it’s about to have some very dedicated test subjects. Whether those subjects have fur and tails or just a burning desire to shave minutes off their run time remains to be seen.
Might mice, indeed.
Published 24th February 2025