This will be an Open Meeting and is an important opportunity for all members to participate in the CTA's decision-making processes, so do not miss it.
Members will be sent an AGM pack by email, prior to the AGM.
09:00 Registration and Networking
09:25 Call to Order
09:30 Welcome – by Stuart McKenzie
09:40 Marika Graham-Woods, Chair
09:50 Speaker: Lorenza Romaneze, EIHA
10:05 Speaker: Sita Schubert, EuMCA
10:20 PR & Communications – Sian Phillips
10:35 < Break >
12:05 Chris Tasker – Greenshield:PRO Training
12:20 Closing & Recognition – Stuart McKenzie
12:30 End of AGM
AGM Agenda
1.Call to Order - MGW
2.Apologies and Approval of Previous Minutes
3.Call for AOB
4.Chair's Report - MGW
5.Financial Report – MW
6.Welcome to New Directors - MGW
7.Motions & Voting - SP
8.Sector Strategic Committees Plan – SMc
9.Any Other Business - MGW
Chair: Marika Graham-Woods,
Honorary President: Stuart McKenzie
Presiding Officer: Sian Phillips,
Company Secretary and Finance Officer: Mark Woods
Attendees: In Person & Online – Quorate check